Monday, January 9, 2012

An ex-Kobo fan OR Why I hate Kobo

As many of you know, I loved my Kobo reader. Yes, that is past tense. You see, my Kobo reader stopped working. Yes, that happens to technology - it is expected. What is not expected is the poor service that I have received during the process of trying to get it replaced so that I can go back to my cherished books that are teasing me. I called to get some assistance after trying everything I could think of (including resetting it) with no avail. I had to take a picture of it (?) and send it to them. I figured that they would see that it was broken and that would be it.

But no. I have spend the last 3 weeks battling with the customer "service" (I use the term service loosely) with yet no progress. I have gone from e-mailing or calling them every third or fourth day to now everyday. What really gets me is that I have received a notice that my device must be fixed since they haven't received any communication in 10 days... I nearly fainted as I have answered every single e-mail that they sent within an hour or two, and I frequently e-mail or call to try to get SOME help. But no.

Again I called today, spoke to supervisor who admitted that I had not gone ten days without correspondence so he re-opened the case. I still have not received any help or idea of when it will be replaced.

It is frustrating as a librarian (finally!) to see such poor service. I am in the position to help other people, but how do I recommend a product like this? I don't.  I was the first person to recommend the Kobo Touch to anyone, including my mother and my aunt, as well as friends, but they have lost a loyal customer because of poor service. I miss my e-reader and wish that someone would just pay attention and fix this problem. It is easy - replace my Kobo-touch so that I can get back to my cherished books. The product is obviously dysfunctional, FIX IT!


Until then, allow me to recommend buying a Kindle. I don't have one, but it is looking good right now.


Stephanie said...

Okay, I finally made some progress today, after three phone calls. The lady was very nice and said that she will mail my new Kobo in the morning. Let's hope that this is the end of the nightmare!

Janice said...

I'm sorry you've had such a headache. Another former student had similar problems with her Kobo until someone finally paid heed.

I think that holding their feet to the fire in social media such as Twitter and blogs doesn't hurt. Customer service pays a bit more attention, then!

Stephanie said...

The lady that I talked with yesterday was very nice and said that they had customer service issues. It is unfortunate because I really do like the device.

It was funny because it was the day after I posted this (after three weeks of battle) that I finally got somewhere.

I am looking forward to catching up on my reading! Most are YA lit, but my excuse is that I am a librarian now and I have to keep up with all different genres.