Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make it Better NOW

Rick Mercer on Teen Suicide

Rick Mercer recently (October 25th) did a very good 'rant' on the problem of teen suicide because of bullying and homophobia. It was so good that I wanted to re-post it to try to get more attention to it.

He is always very funny, but this is not a laughing matter. He puts it as it is, very forward. Teens need more gay role models - not only in the public eye, but everywhere. In literature, in schools, in community centers, everywhere. 300 deaths in Canada is far too much. Things get better, trust me. I have been there with the scars to prove it.

Click here to watch the rant on youtube.
Click here to read the rant on Rick Mercer's blog.


Orville said...

way to go Wilbur!

Stephanie said...


Laura Morrigan said...

this is so true! I was reading another article on this a while back! I hope one day my writing will be something that lets people not be alone and helps kids out. but who knows, i just write whatever comes into my head.

i just realised i never followed you, so i am going to now! :)

Laura Morrigan said...

this is so true! I was reading another article on this a while back! I hope one day my writing will be something that lets people not be alone and helps kids out. but who knows, i just write whatever comes into my head.

i just realised i never followed you, so i am going to now! :)